Website Design, branding, video production, custom project management software design & programming.
StudioAdminBuiding & Design, Corporate, environment, Oil and Gas, Website
Website Design, branding, video production, custom project management software design & programming.
Website Design & Production of a WordPress website with News section, and corporate information.
Custom CMS Design, Website Design, real time stock quote & news release streaming. Project Features: Live news release stream from stock exchange; video presentations; Content Management System; Animated Flash Banners ;Real time stock quote
Logo design, branding, content management website, website creation, and stationary design.
The original website for required a major overhaul. Built in the early 1990’s, its look was dated, it didn’t effectively present the services and products, and it didn’t do a good job of selling the brand. We redesigned this site basically from scratch to improve the online brand and make the site visible to search engines. A major portion …